Tertiary Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning Strategies in Remote Learning Environment at Covid-19 Pandemic Era
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This study aimed at investigating the perceptions of tertiary students about online learning strategies in the Remote Learning Environment during the Covid-19 pandemic era. The method used in this research was a descriptive qualitative method by using a survey to collect the data from 20 tertiary students’ perceptions of their online learning strategies in rural areas during this pandemic era. The results indicated that students agreed with online learning strategies with digital platforms but they are still confused about how to learn and access them. Virtual meetings declined students’ motivation to learn because of bad access to the internet in their areas. Using Video Conferences is more flexible because it can be used wherever whenever. Online learning still becomes the best learning strategy in this pandemic, but access to the internet in rural areas must be improved. Tertiary students need access to the internet and infrastructure and instructional materials design especially applied in this pandemic era. In conclusion, online learning strategies by using digital platforms still become the best solution to be applied in the remote learning environments during this Covid-19 outbreak, even there are some obstacles still existed.
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