The Effect of Principal Leadership Behavior, Teacher Model, and School Culture on Student’ Character in Adapting to the Global Environment
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The essence of education and learning is to shape the character of students in preparing superior and competitive human resources. Character building is very much influenced by leadership, role models, and culture in the school, so this study will examine the influence of these three variables in shaping the character of students in junior high school. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey technique of 157 junior high school students in Tulungagung district as respondents in this study. Data is collected using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that the teacher's leadership and exemplary behavior were in very good condition, the religious culture and students' character were in good condition. Hypothesis test results state that there is an influence between leadership behavior, teacher role models, and school culture on student character. The results of this study imply that the better the leadership and exemplary behavior provided by the teacher has a positive impact on shaping the character of students. Likewise the better the culture that is applied in the overall education and learning activities in schools has a very large contribution in shaping the character of students in adapting to the current global environment.
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