Perceptions of English Education Program Students Towards The Profesionalism of English Education Lecturers in Online Learning at IAIN Parepare

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Nur Afiah


Perception can be interpreted as a process of giving meaning to a phenomenon, event or object. professionalism is interpreted as a professional trait. Those traits are mastering the Science in their field and have high skills in carrying out their duties. This Study aimed to describe the students' perceptions of professionalism lecturer English Education Program, State Islamic Institute of Parepare. To achieve this goal a questionnaire was distributed to 50 students (40% of the population). This Research is a descriptive quantitative study with a survey approach. The data processed using simple tabulation techniques and the data qualitatively interpreted. There are five aspects of the professionalism observed, namely: the ability to speak English, online teaching skills, insights, timeliness and using of online learning application. By the results of data analysis found that, the lecturers of English Education Program, State Islamic Institute of Parepare has a high level of professionalism.

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How to Cite
Mujahidah, Afiah, N., & Syaiful. (2020). Perceptions of English Education Program Students Towards The Profesionalism of English Education Lecturers in Online Learning at IAIN Parepare. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 2(2), 69-75.


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