A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on Quranic Memorization: Benefits, Methods, and Innovations

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Azhar Jaafar
Nur Rasyidah Kamaruzaman


Memorizing the Quran has been a fundamental practice in Islam since the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW.M memorizing the Quran not only rewards those who learn it but also offers numerous benefits, including personal development and intellectual advancement. This systematic literature review examines 25 publications using the PRISMA Flow Diagram, with a comprehensive search strategy that includes the Scopus and Web of Science databases to explore the practice of Quranic memorization. The reviewed articles are categorized into three key themes: benefits, methods, and innovations in Quranic memorization. Quranic memorization provides many advantages, including cognitive, physical, and emotional benefits such as improved academic performance, enhanced memory functions, and better overall health. Regarding memorization methods, traditional approaches continue to be highly effective. At the same time, contemporary innovations such as gamification, mobile learning apps, eye-tracking technology, and advanced multimedia tools offer engaging and efficient alternatives that enhance memorization and comprehension. These innovations leverage modern technology to create interactive, personalized learning experiences. By integrating traditional methods and innovative technologies, these approaches form a comprehensive, adaptable framework that supports the Quranic memorization process, catering to diverse learners and ensuring success in Quranic education.

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How to Cite
Mutathahirin, Jaafar, A., & Kamaruzaman, N. R. (2025). A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on Quranic Memorization: Benefits, Methods, and Innovations. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 6(2), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.37698/ashrej.v6i2.312
Author Biographies

Mutathahirin, UCYP University, Malaysia

A postgraduate student at Postgraduate School, UCYP University, Main Campus, Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Email: ma_f_2023_12748@student.ucyp.edu.my 

Azhar Jaafar, UCYP University, Malaysia

An Associate Professor at the UCYP University, Main Campus, Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Email: azhar@ucyp.edu.my 

Nur Rasyidah Kamaruzaman, UCYP University, Malaysia

A lecturer at the UCYP University, Main Campus, Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Email: rasyidah@ucyp.edu.my


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