Analysis of the Implementation and Implications of Waqf Projects in Malaysia Based on Maqasid Al-Shariah
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In the contemporary landscape, waqf institutions, notably the State Islamic Religious Council, are spearheading numerous projects; however, limited studies have explored their significance within the framework of maqasid al-shariah. This paper critically examines whether the ongoing waqf initiatives in Malaysia uphold the principles of maqasid al-shariah. Through a literature review and analysis of current waqf projects, this study assesses their contribution to protecting religion, life, spirit, lineage and property — core components of maqasid al-shariah. The results show that current Malaysian waqf initiatives significantly promote these five objectives. To further enhance the impact of waqf, the study recommends that waqf institutions diversify their projects to encompass economic and social well-being in addition to the religious initiatives that many institutions focus on. By strategically expanding the scope of their initiatives, waqf institutions can play a central role in realizing the fundamental objectives of Islamic law while fostering more holistic and sustainable community development.
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