Language Planning in Character & Citizenship Education (Mother Tongue Languages) on Students' Cultural Sensitivity and Heritage Awareness in a Primary School in Singapore: A Case Study

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David Yong Heng Sai


This study investigates the role of Character and Citizenship Education in Mother Tongue Languages (CCE MTL) in fostering cultural sensitivity, heritage awareness, and language development among primary school students in Singapore. Through qualitative methods, including interviews and document analysis, the study reveals that the CCE MTL program significantly contributes to cultural sensitivity by integrating cultural narratives and values into the curriculum. Teachers play a pivotal role in adapting teaching strategies to incorporate these elements, thus enhancing language proficiency and artistic appreciation. The findings highlight the program's effectiveness in promoting core values such as Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care, and Harmony (R3ICH) through a curriculum framework centred on Identity, Relationships, and Choices. However, challenges related to curriculum transitions and the need for continuous professional development for teachers are identified. The study underscores the importance of a holistic approach involving whole-school initiatives and cross-disciplinary integration to reinforce cultural education.

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How to Cite
Sai, D. Y. H. (2024). Language Planning in Character & Citizenship Education (Mother Tongue Languages) on Students’ Cultural Sensitivity and Heritage Awareness in a Primary School in Singapore: A Case Study. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 6(2), 12-21.


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