A Systematic Literature Review of Waqf’s Triple Role on Economy, Society and Environment
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The contribution of waqf goes beyond traditional charity, acting as a multifaceted force stimulating economic development, fostering social empowerment, and contributing to sustainable environmental practices. In this systematic literature analysis, 29 publications are scrutinised, employing the PRISMA Flow Diagram and using a thorough search strategy encompassing Scopus and Web of Science indexes to explore the all-encompassing roles of waqf. Based on expert validation, these articles are categorised into three roles i.e., economic, social, and environmental. Economically, waqf addresses financial challenges through benevolent lending, supports entrepreneurs, creates employment, and mitigates poverty. Socially, it ensures access to food, funds education and healthcare, fosters entrepreneurship, provides affordable housing, and proposes innovative takaful products for flood protection. Environmentally, waqf serves as a funding source for rainforest conservation and supports agribusiness and green energy practices, thus indirectly optimises land use. Evolving from its religious roots, waqf has become a versatile tool addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges, highlighting its adaptability and significance in meeting contemporary societal needs across diverse sectors.
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