Specialised Attire for Building Construction Workers: The Research Conducted in Tanah Merah Housing Development
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Construction sites are known to exhibit hot and harsh environments. Highly physically demanding tasks done by the construction workers made them one of the highest physical to heat stress-related cases globally (Lee, 2020). Besides, jobs such as building construction are precarious and dangerous jobs. A common problem often faced by building construction workers is exposure to the scorching sun's heat while working. There is a need to investigate how to keep building construction workers healthy. The objective is to study the characteristics and type of a construction uniform. Moreover, it examines creative and innovative functional ideas for controlling body temperature while working in the hot sun. There needs to be more research on housing construction workers to raise awareness of the importance of wearing the proper uniform to maintain health and avoid hazards. This study showed that humans must maintain a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and cannot work in hot environments to prevent heat stroke, cramps, and fainting. Researchers produce functional Hi-vis to maintain body temperature in a hot climate to care for workers' health. The concept used is natural ventilation that will be made by manipulating clothing patterns. The idea is from the analysis results done through Google Forms and observation. The development of the findings through Google form shows that the respondent often sweats on the chest and back; this further strengthens the researcher's study to produce Hi-vis clothing for housing construction workers. This Hi-vis clothing is for comfort and durability when housing construction workers work in a high-heat environment.
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