A Systematic Review on The Preservice Teachers' Psychological Competency: Research Trends and Areas of Interest
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This literature review delves into the realm of preservice teachers' psychological competency through an analysis of 191 primary studies from 2475 taken based on “preservice teachers, “psychological competency development”, “teachers training programs” keywords. The distribution of these studies over the years demonstrates the evolving interest in this subject. Recent years have witnessed a surge in publications, particularly since 2021, signifying the contemporary relevance of research in this domain. The dispersion of these studies across 187 different journals underscores that research on preservice teachers' psychological competency is not confined to a single academic outlet, highlighting its importance for future researchers. Qualitative methods prominently emerge as the preferred research approach, reflecting a focus on exploring various facets of this topic. The review also identifies 187 researchers actively contributing to this field, with minimal overlap in their publications, indicating a scarcity of studies within this area. Consequently, pinpointing the most active and influential researcher remains elusive due to the infrequency of their contributions. Within the scope of preservice teachers' psychological competency, five primary research themes have emerged: competency development, preservice teachers' perceptions, preservice teachers' readiness, technology-based competency and competency evaluation. These themes underscore the multifaceted nature of research in the field of Educational Psychology and highlight the areas of current focus in this dynamic domain.
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