Developing Story Telling Performance Model in Improving Students’ Self Confidence
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Extracurricular directs students to improve confidence and ability to speak English which is oriented toward student participation in various competitions such as speech, storytelling. The study aimed to develop material of storytelling performance model as a learning material of extracurricular particularly public speaking extracurricular. Since the extracurricular aims to improve students’ self-confidence to perform in public area through story telling. In this context, the quality of learning outcomes in English speaking extracurricular activities is as follows. (1) Mastery of knowledge; (2) Mastery of English-speaking skills; (3) Having confidence when speaking; and (4) Able to appear in speaking using English which is oriented towards public speaking through story telling performance. Research and development were conducted in this study which used ADDIE model. The study was conducted at SMA N 11 Medan and the subject of the study was 10th grade students. The instruments of the study were observation, questionnaire, and interview. Furthermore, the study was conducted in some stages such as, Analysis, Design, Develop. Implement, and Evaluation. The result of study showed that story telling material could improve students’ enthusiastic to perform in public speaking extracurricular at SMA N 11 Medan. Thus, it improved students’ confidence in telling the story. Additionally, storytelling material was categorized as an excellent material to improve students’ confidence through story telling validated by some experts.
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