A Theoretical Support for Cultural Influence on Implementation and Acceptance of Assessment Centres for Malaysia Public Sector

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Mohd Hanafiah Ahmad
Mohd Rashid Ab Hamid


This paper aims to provide a theoretical support on how culture influence the implementation and acceptance of assessment centres (ACs) in Malaysia. This paper aims to contribute to this research gap by exploring the implementation and acceptance of ACs in Malaysia, as an example of an Eastern, and developing, country. In this context, to analyse how culture influence the design and implementation of ACs, the model of cultural fit is reviewed to explain how culture influences human resource practices and ACs practice. Findings from the literature review show that model of cultural fit can be used to explain how physical and socio-political may influence internal and organisational work culture and, therefore, human resource practices. On the other hand, to understand the influence of culture on acceptance of ACs, organisational justice theory and employee engagement theory are reviewed and used to explain how candidates react to selection process. Findings from literatures search shows that culture may have influence on how ACs participant perceived fairness of the process by which outcomes are reached, or decisions are made

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How to Cite
Ahmad, M. H., & Hamid, M. R. A. (2019). A Theoretical Support for Cultural Influence on Implementation and Acceptance of Assessment Centres for Malaysia Public Sector. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 1(2), 7-18. https://doi.org/10.37698/ashrej.v1i2.13


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