Developing Hydrotheology Concept in Islamic Perspective

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Salamah Noorhidayati
Imam Ahmadi
Nadia Roosmalita Sari


Water is a vital tool in human life. This water intensity is indicated by the many verses of the Qur'an and the Prophet's hadith which talk about water in various forms and types. Based on verses and hadith that are spread in various letters and themes, it is necessary to formulate a new perspective on water. This article tries to formulate a view of Islamic theology about water with a focus on various aspects of the study of water conservation efforts for water resources. By using content analysis of Islamic source texts accompanied by thematic methods, it is found: First, the study of water in Islam includes three aspects 1) metaphysical, 2) humanistic, and 3) naturalistic; Second, there are three main principles in efforts to conserve Water Resources (SDA), namely: 1) Protection and Conservation; 2) Management and Empowerment; 3) Savings and Preservation.

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How to Cite
Noorhidayati, S., Ahmadi, I., & Sari, N. R. (2022). Developing Hydrotheology Concept in Islamic Perspective. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 4(1), 30-36.


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