The Factor of Job Satisfaction That Influences Employee Performance

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Jeny Ng
Yong Su Mei
Fatin Fazrida Peros Khan


This study delves into the multifaceted interplay among workplace environment, compensation, job descriptions, and job security, investigating their collective influence on the employee performance. The survey questionnaire was utilized to gather data using a qualitative method, providing thorough insights into the relationships between workplace factors and employee outcomes. The results indicate a strong correlation between the work environment, compensation, job scope, and job security, and employee performance. Specifically, the factors that affect employee satisfaction has a moderate relationship with the performance while being at work with r =.666, p < 0.05, r =.313, p < 0.05, and r =.201, p < 0.05. Work environment and compensations reported as the highest factors of job satisfaction that influence the employee satisfaction. It is because a supportive, valued, and respected work environment increases employee engagement, which in turn improves output and performance. Strong motivators are also the competitive and equitable wage packages. Employee commitment to their jobs increases when they see that their efforts have been fairly compensated. It helps to reduces the turnover rate and promotes continuous good performance.

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How to Cite
Ng, J., Mei, Y. S., & Khan, F. F. P. (2023). The Factor of Job Satisfaction That Influences Employee Performance. Journal of Management and Business Studies , 2(1), 47-52.
Author Biographies

Jeny Ng, University College of Yayasan Pahang

A student at University College of Yayasan Pahang, Kampus Utama, Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan.

Yong Su Mei, University College of Yayasan Pahang

A student at University College of Yayasan Pahang, Kampus Utama, Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang.

Fatin Fazrida Peros Khan, University College of Yayasan Pahang

A lecturer at University College of Yayasan Pahang, Main Campus, Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang. Tel. +6010-9033546. E-mail: