Challenges Of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Conducting The Classroom Online During Movement Control Order
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Nowadays, many various challenges need to be faced by Teachers of Early Childhood Education to ensure that the teaching delivered is practical and comprehensive. This study aimed to identify the level of online classroom handling during the Movement Control Order by Early Childhood Education Teachers, identify the challenges of Early Childhood Education Teachers in conducting online classes and examine the steps teachers can take in handling online courses to reduce the difficulties of operating online classes. This study uses a quantitative approach and population. The sample of this study was randomly selected among Early Childhood Education Teachers consisting of 80 respondents of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Kuantan District, Pahang. The research instrument used in this study is to use a questionnaire. Researchers distributed face-to-face questionnaires and obtained respondent data using Google Forms. This is due to the pandemic season, which makes it challenging to get complete data face-to-face. The 4 -point Likert scale consists of 3 parts to answer each objective that has been stated and consists of a choice of yes or no answers used in this study. Researchers using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.00 was used to analyse the information obtained from the study respondents. The data analysed are descriptive, namely frequency, percentage and mean. The study's findings describe the challenges of Early Childhood Education Teachers in conducting online classes during the Movement Control Order. This study has shown that many teachers experience challenges in teaching classes online during the Movement Control Order. The implication of this study is to see whether Child Education Teachers share challenges in conducting online courses during the Movement Control Order.
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Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017. Diperoleh Daripada
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