Journal Fiqh Al – Watan (Tatacara Kehidupan Bertanah Air)
<p><strong><img src="/public/site/images/admin/Cover_Resize.png"></strong></p> <p><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">JUFAW merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh, UCYP Press dan dikelolakan oleh Institut Peradaban Islam Antarabangsa (IIIC) .Tujuan utama jurnal ini adalah untuk menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan oleh para penyelidik dalam dan luar negara. Artikel terpilih adalah dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris yang mencakupi bidang pengajian Islam, Muamalat, usuludin dan pengurusan halal. Pandangan yang dinyatakan dalam artikel terbitan jurnal ini tidak mewakili pandangan dan pendirian sidang editor jurnal.</p>en-USThu, 12 Jan 2023 12:16:45 +0800OJS the Halal Risk along the Supply Chain for Food Truck Businesses: A Suggestion for an Innovation
<p>According to the new development in MPPHM 2020, halal certification can be applied to mobile premise where all food and beverage preparation and processing is done on-site, eliminating the need for a separate central kitchen. Unlike the previous MPPHM 2014, mobile premise enterprises can only seek for halal certification for the central kitchen, not the food truck. As a result, operators and owners require some form of direction and reference to help them establish a system that may help them apply for halal certification by managing the risks of food contamination, particularly from al-najs and non-halal materials, as well as food safety issues. This will be accomplished by creating software for the Halal Risk Management Plan and analysing the potential risks of contamination along the supply chain for food truck enterprises, starting with procurement and ending with the end consumer. Although there is a broad application for halal auditing and traditional risk management software, it is not tailored to the food truck industry. As a result, a mobile app related to the Halal Risk Management Plan for Food Truck must be developed to assist food truck operators as well as halal auditors in complying with the certification requirements by analysing potential contamination risks along the supply chain. Food truck owners and operators, as well as halal auditors, can be alerted to all potential halal risks to make the auditing process easier.</p>Nadiah Mohd Noor
Copyright (c) 2022 Nadiah Mohd Noor, 28 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0800A Systematic Review of Literature on Safety Risks in Mobile Food Premise Businesses
<p>In recent years, academicians and practitioners from all over the world have put a significant emphasis on the safety issues associated with food-related businesses. However, the literatures on the safety issues in mobile food premises have not really undergone a full study. Thus, this study offers a systematic and thorough literature evaluation to fill this gap. The purpose of this present study is to develop a better understanding on the literature based on the following research questions: of what are the process flow of activities involved in mobile food premise businesses operation, what are the risks along the supply chain of mobile food premise businesses and what can be proposed for future research regarding this business. To analyze and synthesize the existing research on safety issues in the operation of mobile food premises enterprises, this study used a systematic review method. The papers published in different scientific databases, including Scopus, one of the largest databases of peer-reviewed scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings, are the target population. Searches were also conducted in several other renowned databases, including ScienceDirect (Elsevier), Emeraldinsight (Emerald), Wiley Online Library (Wiley), Taylor & Francis Online (Taylor & Francis), Sagepub (Sage Journals), IEEE Xplore Digital Library (IEEE), and Springer Link (Springer), and others. Additionally utilized as a tool to facilitate article search is Google Scholar. The material gathered from the chosen articles is then highlighted and summarized in designated tables and chart for easy understanding. It is found out that the operation of mobile food premises poses a number of safety issues. When compared to other types of food services offered in the sector, scholars and practitioners are less aware of the safety issues associated with mobile food premises.</p>Nadiah Mohd Noor
Copyright (c) 2022 Nadiah Mohd Noor, 28 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0800Complementing Quality Education with Sustainable Employment for the Future of Work: An Overview
<p>This paper is an overview of various interventions that have been done to reach the 4th and 8th Sustainable Development Goals which is Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth. The paper highlights issues experienced within the context of Brunei Darussalam such as unemployment. Based on the overview, the objective of the paper is to explore an overview of various interventions that have been conducted on a global, regional, and local scale to analyze how these interventions have been able to assist in realizing the sustainable development goals. Based on the overview, several critical analyses have been made. At the local level, more focus is emphasized on the implementation as well as the evaluation of higher education programme with reference to one higher education programme. At- Tamayyuz Programme is a work-attachment programme which has been recently upgraded to accommodate more collaboration at local, regional, and global level. The programme is a good example of how conventional higher education programmes can advance towards more global partnerships by exposing students to a variety of skills to meet the needs of future of work.</p>Liza Mariah Azahari, Fadzila Azni Ahmad
Copyright (c) 2022 Liza Marziah Azahari, Fadzila Azni Ahmad, 28 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0800Pengukuhan Pembacaan Al-Quran Al-Karim di Kalangan Golongan Dewasa di Negara Brunei Darussalam Dalam Konteks Pendidikan Secara Hybrid
<p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Pembelajaran al-Quran telahpun sekian lama dimulakan, daripada melalui pendekatan tidak formal sehingga kepada sistem formal iaitu dengan mengikuti pembelajaran al-Quran di sekolah-sekolah ugama dan sekolah-sekolah kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan, dari peringkat rendah sehingga ke peringkat tinggi. Berjalan seiring dengan kesedaran kepentingan al-Quran selaku ia adalah penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman, selain daripada mendukung hasrat murni Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam untuk menjadikan Brunei Darussalam sebagai sebuah Negara Zikir, terdapat inisiatif untuk memartabatkan tahap pembacaan al-Quran di kalangan orang dewasa di Negara Brunei Darussalam telah diungakayahkan, seperti penubuhan pusat-pusat pengajaran al-Quran untuk golongan tersebut; antaranya Nadi Quranic Learning Centre Brunei dan al-Minhaaj Centre Brunei. Tujuan kajian dilaksanakan adalah untuk meninjau keberkesanan penubuhan pusat-pusat pengajaran al-Quran tersebut terhadap mutu pembacaan al-Quran bagi golongan dewasa. Metodologi kajian adalah secara kualitatif deskriptif mengadaptasi teknik analisa dokumen; data yang diperolehi dari bahan bercetak akan diteliti, dihurai dan dianalisa. Di samping itu juga mengguna pakai teknik temubual bersama pengusaha pusat pengajaran yang tersebut dan beberapa orang tenaga pengajar yang terpilih. Dalam menghadapi cabaran dalam memanfaatkan praktik pembelajaran dan pengajaran Pendidikan Islam menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi pendidikan masa kini, aplikasi pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam secara Hybrid adalah faktor kunci kejayaan di era industri 4.0.</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Al-Quran learning has started for a long time, from an informal approach to a formal system, which is by following the learning of the Al-Quran in religious schools and government and non-government schools, from elementary to high level. In line with the awareness of the importance of the Qur'an as it is a cure and a blessing for believers, apart from supporting the pure desire of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam to make Brunei Darussalam a Nation of Zikr, there are initiatives to dignify the level of al-Quran reading among adults in Brunei Darussalam, such as the establishment of al-Quran teaching centers for that group. Among them are Nadi Quranic Learning Center Brunei and al-Minhaaj Center Brunei. The purpose of this study is to review the effectiveness of the establishment of Quranic teaching centers on the quality of Quranic reading for adults. The research methodology is qualitatively descriptive, adapting document analysis techniques; data obtained from printed materials will be examined, interpreted and analyzed. In addition to using the interview technique with the operator of the said teaching centers and some selected teaching staff. In the face of challenges in utilizing the learning and teaching practices of Islamic Education using the sophistication of today's educational technology, the application of Hybrid Islamic Education learning is a key success factor in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0.</em></p>Nurzakiah Ramlee
Copyright (c) 2022 Nurzakiah Ramlee, 28 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0800The Values and Practices of Da’wah in The Era of Hybrid Knowledge Society 5.0
<p>This article aims to examine and describe the portrait of da'wah in the era of society 5.0 and the strategy of da'i to implement hybrid knowledge in da'wah activities. This article uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature review to dig out the data and analyze the interactive model data to support the conclusions based on the data obtained. This study finds that new civilizations in the era of society 5.0 give rise to the latest trends in the field of communication and information technology. By looking at the portrait of the Muslim community, namely digital natives, and digital immigrants. Therefore, the da'i is required to create a more adaptive, innovative, responsive, and transformative strategy in developing a broad and evenly distributed da'wah of rahmatanlilalamin. Among them, preachers must have media literacy strategies and skills in digital literacy, be able to solve problems, think critically, have high creativity, and make the challenge of da'wah an opportunity by continuing to transform the message of da'wah through modern media or social media with the method of da'wah bil-qolam. But in addition to these strategies, da'wah must also reach the digital immigrant community and even people who experience the digital divide with various strategies. Among them, the preachers must still preserve da'wah with the method of da'wah bil-lisan, bil-hikmah, bil-hal and walmuj billati hiya ahsan so that the process of conveying the messages of Islam can run smoothly and reach all Muslims with their respective characteristics.</p>Rini Setiawati, Dede Mercy Rolando, Novita Sari
Copyright (c) 2022 Rini Setiawati, Dede Mercy Rolando, Novita Sari, 28 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0800