Blue Ocean Strategy for Improving Quality and Competitiveness of Islamic Educational Environment
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Competition often makes someone do everything to achieve goals. That happens because they aren’t successful in innovating their products, but only imitating and following their competitors. Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) offers a new strategy in competition, which makes competitors, not enemies but makes them more motivated to change the spirit of the institutional environment. The purpose of this research studied BOS in Islamic educational institutions, which includes mapping strategies in creating a market space where there are no competitors, strategies in making the competition irrelevant, and its implications in Islamic educational institutions. This study used qualitative methods through field research type. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study of documents. The results of this study concluded that: 1) The strategy of mapping educational institutions in creating market opportunities that have no competitors is by creating innovations that do not yet exist in other levels of the educational institution; 2) Institutional strategies in making competition no longer relevant are carried out by always showing innovations that are applied to other institution without a cover-up (always open); 3) The implications of BOS in the educational institution can be seen in terms of the output produced which can be realized through graduates who can be used both in companies and in educational institutions in need.
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