Utilisation of Four Pillars NLP Technique in Studying Creative and Innovative Communication for Learning English Achievement
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NLP is used to study the excellence and effectiveness of people from all walks of life and across all disciplines and fields, especially in teaching-learning. The techniques and strategies of NLP empower the teaching-learning process by making it practical and goal-oriented. Language learners can use NLP as a psychotherapeutic technique to improve students' performance and take a step towards achievement. This research aims to investigate the success of students' study in Creative and Innovative Communication by using the four pillars of NLP (Outcome Orientation, Sensory Acuity, Behavior Flexibility, and Rapport). The methods used Google Forms as a questionnaire on 50 students who attended the Creative and Innovative Communication class in college. The result showed that more than half of the students had already applied the four pillars of NLP in their study. So, the students who applied the four pillars are expected to be more successful in the study.
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