Emergency Proclamation through Laws Regulation during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia
Main Article Content
The government is making various efforts to break the chain of COVID-19 in Malaysia. The implications of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic affect not only health but also the social, political, economic, and educational aspects. The transition from the pandemic to the endemic phase saw various regulations and laws being implemented to accommodate the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic infection. This qualitative study uses the method of analysing legal documents, journals, and related articles. The papers reviewed are documents related to the proclamation of emergency in Malaysia and legislative acts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper discusses the actions taken by the government to contain this epidemic through the proclamation of emergency, in addition to the act that Malaysians must obey throughout the pandemic period. Good governance has a positive impact on the people and the country. Various security measures are based on the established problems to avoid any possibility that could affect people's health.
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