The Representation of Local Wisdom in Short Stories: A Study in North Sumatra

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M Surip
S Fahmy Dalimunthe
M Anggie J Daulay


The purpose of writing this article is to provide an analytical study of literary texts associated with the diversity of local wisdom in North Sumatra. The emergence of short story writers in North Sumatra gives a new color in carrying the wisdom of the local culture. The content of short stories loaded with cultural contents is implicitly conveyed to provide knowledge about the culture itself that begins to fade. Problems in this study include how to examine local wisdom in the short stories of North Sumatra authorship. The theory used is Cultural Theory and Literary Anthropology, which is very relevant in exploring aspects of local wisdom in the content of the short stories. Qualitative descriptive methods are used in identifying and analyzing the contents of such short stories and then interpreted in the context of related local cultural wisdom. This of course requires an objective narrative so that the explanation does not deviate from the cultural packages of North Sumatra. The results of the research obtained illustrate the strength of local wisdom that appears in the content of the North Sumatra authorship short story. Aspects of the language system, social system, livelihood system, and arts represent local wisdom from the analysis of north Sumatra's authorship short stories. These values are examined from the background and from dialogues that arise from the contents of short stories and then constructed according to the theory used.

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How to Cite
Surip, M., Dalimunthe, S. F., & Daulay, M. A. J. (2021). The Representation of Local Wisdom in Short Stories: A Study in North Sumatra. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 3(2), 1-9.


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