Big Five Personality Traits on Academic Performance Among Foundation Students

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Kamilah Seman
Zurina Ismail


There is a significant relationship between personality and academic achievement. It shows that personality plays an important part in student academic performance. The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Big Five Personality traits and academic performance among foundation student based on their CGPA. There were 137-foundation students from private universities in Malaysia participants in this study. With 92 female and 45 males involved. Pearson correlation analysis was performing in this study. The result of this study showed that personality has a significant relationship between personality and academic performance. In details, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness were positively significant related to CGPA, while Extraversion and Neuroticism were negatively related to the CGPA. This result supports the other findings. With this finding, the academician will have more understanding on their students. There are a number of factors that influence students’ academic achievement and one of its personality factors. Besides that, this result also can give useful information to the lecturer in order to understand student’s personality and to match their teaching styles with the student’s personality to improve the student’s performance.

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How to Cite
Seman, K., & Ismail, Z. (2019). Big Five Personality Traits on Academic Performance Among Foundation Students. Asian Social Science and Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 1(2), 26-33.


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